Lumen help

Enrolling to receive invoice PDFs by email

To enroll to receive invoice PDFs by email:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To enroll one account, click the icon (in the Actions column).

    • To enroll multiple accounts, select the checkbox on the row for the account(s) you want to enroll, then click Enroll.
  1. In the window that appears, review the account(s) you selected to confirm you want to enroll them to receive invoice PDFs, then do one of the following:

    • To receive secure PDFs (password-protected using your billing ZIP code, select the Secure radio button.

    • To receive unsecured PDFs (no password protection), select the Unsecure radio button.
  1. Type the email address you want the invoice PDF sent to, then click NEXT. (To send the invoice PDF to more email addresses, click Add Another Email and type the email address.)
  1. Confirm you authorize the change by selecting the I authorize… checkbox and typing your name in the field, then, click SUBMIT.

    Control Center submits your request. Once we enroll the account, you'll see it listed in Enrolled status.