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Readiness support: Lumen® Vyvx® handbook


Broadcast Services overview

Business Solutions

Broadcast Fiber Services

Local Access Services

Managed Services

Vyvx Internet Access

Satellite and Teleport Services

Venue and Event Services

Managed Video/Audio Format and Standards Conversion


You can access knowledgeable resources for support across every step of service setup and delivery.

Account director (AD)

Your account director provides information about Lumen services and serves as your overall point of contact. Your AD is responsible for gathering and confirming the specifications and requirements necessary to submit an order for full‑time services or to make occasional reservations. Your account director works with you to execute all quotes and orders for new and additional dedicated Lumen services, and assists you through the credit application process.

Sales engineer (SE)

Your sales engineer works with you to identify technical options and define requirements for your services. The SE is responsible for understanding your existing network, key locations and potential needs. This source for technical information works to help tailor network solutions to meet your specific needs, and manages the engineering portion of your service quote as well as the inventory and capacity process for your orders.

Vyvx® project manager

Your Vyvx® project manager acts as a point of contact for full‑time video service orders, including MVNS orders, by managing any interactions from order through billing to support the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The project manager proactively manages your service needs and serves as the conduit and escalation point for issues related to your full‑time service—including order entry, order validation, service activation, test and turn‑up, disconnects and billing activities.

Video services coordinator

Your video services coordinator helps you make occasional video service bookings (also known as “occasional reservations”). The video service coordinator is available around the clock to assist you with coordinating broadcast television transmission services utilizing the Vyvx® fiber, satellite, and teleport network and vendor facilities. They also collaborate with broadcast operations service management team members and third‑party providers to ensure seamless delivery of your video services.

Video provisioner

Your video provisioner submits orders for local access circuits with local exchange carriers on your behalf. Video Provisioning should be informed of any local access circuits ordered by you so testing can be coordinated with the local exchange carrier (LEC) and the Vyvx® Technical Operations Center.

Broadcast technician

Your broadcast technician works to ensure reservations are activated and working properly on the Vyvx® network. Broadcast technicians also work as needed with third‑party providers to establish cross connections on your behalf. As owners of the broadcast operations service management process, they are your first point of contact if an issue is present with your service. Broadcast technicians are prepared to troubleshoot and resolve issues if they arise—anytime, night or day.

Broadcast engineer for on-site events

The broadcast engineer sets up and monitors HD encoding services at remote sites for customer events. Broadcast engineers are prepared to troubleshoot and resolve problems with HD encoding services. They also perform on‑site setup and monitoring of Vyvx® multi‑customer special events.


Key service identifiers

You may need the key service identifiers listed below to manage your services. Please contact your account director or a video services coordinator with any questions.

Full-time service

Full-time order types

Various order types may be used during your Lumen experience:

  • new service orders—required for the installation of a new full-time service on our network.
  • service order change or reconfiguration—a change to your full-time service after it has been installed.
  • service transfer order—moves a full-time service from one account to another; used, for example, when a company acquires another company and needs to transfer an order under an existing or new billing account.
  • renewal—continues your full-time service when your existing MSA expires.
  • disconnect—termination of an active full-time service.

Occasional use service

Fiber Video Service from sites with existing connectivity

Fiber Video Service from sites without existing connectivity

Satellite Service (Satellite Service only)

Teleport Service (Teleport Service only)

Video Local Access

Vyvx®‑ordered local access

    Video provisioning intervals

    Customer-ordered local access


    The following booking policies are applicable for Vyvx® Solutions owned and operated fiber and teleport facilities and leased satellite services. Booking policies for third‑party provided services are subject to the individual vendor’s policies.


    All other services: reservations with duration under 15 minutes may schedule a 5-minute approximate-out. Reservations 15 minutes and greater and less than 60 minutes may schedule up to a 15-minute approximate-out. Reservations 60 minutes or greater may schedule up to a 30-minute approximate-out. Approximate-out times are available on a right-of-first-refusal basis and can be challenged. Failure to goodnight an approximate-out will result in full charges for the approximate-out time regardless of actual usage. Approximate-out cannot be added to a reservation after the reservation start time.

    Booking increments

    • Broadcast Fiber services: 5-minute minimum, 1-minute increments

    • Satellite & Teleport: 15-minute minimum, 15-minute increments.


    • Broadcast Fiber and Teleport services: reservations canceled 60 minutes or greater prior to the scheduled start time may be canceled without penalty. Cancellation charges are applied 100 percent when a confirmed reservation is canceled within 59 minutes of scheduled start time.

    • Satellite services: reservation charges are applied 100 percent when a confirmed reservation is canceled within 30 days of reservation start time.

    • All other services: individual case basis.


    All services: customers holding inquiry reservations or approximate-out are allowed 24 hours or 24 hours prior to scheduled start time, whichever is less, to either release or confirm their order when challenged. Failure to respond after a challenge has been initiated will result in an automatic forfeiture of the inquired time. Reservations confirmed through a challenge cannot be rescheduled or cancelled without incurring a 100 percent cancellation charge.


    All services: if an extension is made on a reservation with an approximate-out, the approximate-out will be firmed, then the extension will apply. Approximate-out and extension are subject to charges separately.


    All services: failure to goodnight an approximate‑out service will result in full charges for the approximate‑out time regardless of actual usage. Approximate‑out times must be goodnighted with the Vyvx® team.


    • Broadcast Fiber and Teleport services: inquiry reservations are accepted as a right‑of‑first refusal. Inquiry reservations are held until 24 hours prior to start time, unless challenged. In some cases, inquiries can be held closer to the actual event if requested by the customer. Inquiries can be suspended at any time at the sole discretion of the Vyvx® team.

    • Satellite services: inquiries are automatically dropped 72 hours prior to reservation start time unless confirmed by the customer.


    • Broadcast Fiber and Teleport services: reservations rescheduled 60 minutes or greater prior to the original start time may be rescheduled without penalty. Reservations that are rescheduled and then canceled or rescheduled within 59 minutes of original start time are subject to a penalty fee of 100 percent, in addition to the booking fee for the rescheduled event. Reservations cannot be rescheduled within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time without a cancellation.

    • Satellite services: individual case basis

    *Rescheduling start and end date/time of reservations.


    • Broadcast Fiber and Teleport services: reservations modified 60 minutes or greater prior to the original start time may be modified without penalty. Reservations that are modified and then canceled or modified within 59 minutes of original start time are subject to a penalty fee of 100 percent. Reservations cannot be modified within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time without a cancellation.

    • Satellite services: individual case basis

    *Rescheduling start and end date/time of reservations.


    Fiber services: customers requesting a PGAD from a third party must contact the owner of the Host Reservation for permission to receive a drop of the transmission. The owner of the host reservation will authorize the PGAD and issue the confirmation number of the reservation. The customer requesting the PGAD will use the confirmation number as the authorization and the PGAD will be accepted. At the request of the owner of the host reservation, the transmission may be extended beyond the scheduled end time or approximate end time. In such case, where the PGAD is scheduled to end at the same time as the host reservation, the PGAD will also be extended to match the overage of the host reservation and appropriate charges will be applied.

    Test time

    All services: when available, test time will be provided prior to a scheduled service. However, test time is not guaranteed. If setup time is essential to a service, it should be incorporated into the purchased service.


    Vyvx® Operations is dedicated to providing you with ongoing support. We embrace a strong operational philosophy that is customer‑ focused and highly responsive. Strict performance metrics drive our internal organizations to deliver quality service to you on a consistent basis. In the event an issue arises with your service, Vyvx® Operations will work to rapidly respond to your inquiries and quickly resolve any problems.

    Customer-reported service impairment—trouble tickets

    Reason-for-outage (RFO) reports

    Vyvx® Operations locations & schedule

    The Lumen Vyvx® Support Centers operate 24x7 and are redundant with operating locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Broomfield, Colorado.

    handbooks vyvx network operations center

    Lumen Vyvx® Network Operations Center (NOC)
    Broomfield, CO

    handbooks vyvx tulsa network operations center

    Lumen Vyvx® Network Operations Center (NOC)
    Tulsa, OK

    Vyvx® Technical Operations Center

    The Vyvx® Technical Operations Center (TOC) is primarily responsible for testing and turn up of new circuit equipment and working directly with local exchange carriers (LECs) to test local loops that have been ordered by Vyvx® Video Provisioning (on your behalf), or by you directly. The Vyvx® TOC also acts as an escalation resource for the broadcast technicians and giving status back to broadcast technicians for all service issues. Broadcast technicians, in turn, inform you of problem resolution status and an estimated completion time.

    Network maintenance

    Occasionally, the network requires maintenance which may or may not impact your services. The Vyvx® Operations team will contact you in advance by phone or email to inform you of impact to your service. If you require an alternate service along a different route to avoid maintenance impacts, please contact Video Services to make the reservation.


    Vyvx® Customer Service escalations

    Vyvx® Customer Service is divided into two groups:

    • Video Services—coordinators are always available to assist you with making and managing your reservations.

    • Video Provisioning—always available to assist you with ordering local access circuits.

    Video Services

    If your reservation is scheduled to start in the future (start date and time are in the future) you should call Video Services with any questions or to make changes to your reservation. You have the option to escalate, to any level in the Vyvx® Video Services organization at any time.

    Vyvx® Provisioning

    Video Provisioning can assist you by ordering local access circuits on your behalf or by helping you order the local access. You can escalate to any level in the Vyvx® Video Provisioning organization at any time.

    Vyvx® Operations escalations

    Once your reservation is in session (start date and time is in the past), call Vyvx® Operations to investigate any issues if they arise. You can escalate to any level at any time.

    Vyvx® Teleport escalations

    For both reservation and service impairments/trouble tickets, see the contact numbers below.


    Media portal

    Local Interconnectivity Directory


    • view, download and analyze your invoices
    • learn how to read your invoice
    • pay online via ACH or credit card (one-time or recurring payment options available)
    • go green by turning off your paper invoice
    • generate summary and detailed reports based on your billing data
    • initiate, update and track billing requests

    Billing cycles and delivery

    Your Lumen Vyvx® invoice is created and delivered monthly. There are several format and delivery options for your invoice:

    • Paper format—mailed via postal service
    • Paperless (electronic) format—available using Media portal
    • Paperless (electronic) format—available by email

    You can opt for paperless delivery of your invoice using Media portal by making the election in the Invoice Management tool (under the Billing tab). If you cannot access the portal and would like to go paperless via email, please contact us directly:

    Methods of payment

    Payments on invoices are due in accordance with your master service agreement (MSA). Lumen Vyvx® accepts the following forms of payment:

    • ACH via the portal (please configure this on the Setup tab of the Invoice Management section)
    • EFT (requires authorization form—please contact us directly at the above numbers)
    • Credit card using the portal (some conditions may apply)
    • Check sent by postal service
    • making an online payment
    • printing a remit slip for an offline payment
    • storing a payment source
    • setting up automatic (recurring) payments
    • viewing online payments

    Questions about your invoice

    Please submit all billing inquiries or disputes using Media portal. This can be done by creating a new billing request under the Billing tab of the portal. You can initiate, track, update, and cancel any requests, communicate with your billing analyst via the notes feature, and see a comprehensive set of comments on all of your requests. For further details, please review the Billing Request section of the Media portal help.


    Your payments are due upon receipt of your invoice and are considered past due the first day of the following month or according to the terms of your master service agreement (MSA). If you fail to make a payment when your invoice is due, your service is subject to interruption. If your services have been interrupted, it could take up to 24 hours for service to be reinstated.

    Early termination

    If your services are being disconnected prior to the end of your service term, early termination charges may apply. For services nearing the agreed-upon termination date, a disconnect request must be received 30 calendar days prior to the contract termination date. Otherwise, your service may continue to be provided by Lumen on a month-to-month basis, or as otherwise set forth in your master service agreement (MSA). If the date is the same as your service term end date, no terminations will apply. If you are considering early termination, please contact your account team to explore your options.

    Disconnect requests


    ADAccount director—your point of contact for all your sales‑related issues.
    BCPBusiness continuity planning—emergency response program.
    CCMCustomer care manager—your point of contact for order entry and service implementation.
    FOCFirm order confirmation—Vyvx® Video Provisioning receives this date from the LEC.
    LIDLocal Interconnectivity Directory—found on the Media portal login page; provides information on connections to the Lumen Vyvx® network.
    MSAMaster service agreement—a contract that documents the terms and conditions applicable to your services.
    MVNSManaged Video Network ServiceLumen service offering of converged video and data services.
    PGADPermission to grant additional drop‑off—any third‑party customer requesting a PGAD (secondary drop‑off) service of another customer’s transmission must contact the owner of the host reservation for permission to receive a drop‑off of the transmission.
    RFOReason for outage—report provided by Vyvx® Operations which explains the root cause of a service impacting outage.
    SESales engineer—your point of contact for technical service information and network design issues.
    SLAService level agreement—committed terms from a provider, related to installation.
    TOCTechnical Operations Center—responsible for testing and turn‑up of new equipment and circuits with local exchange carriers, works with Vyvx® Operations teams to troubleshoot and repair as needed.
    TSCVyvx® Television Switching Center—Vyvx® network location or point of presence.