Use Lumen® Edge Service Manager (available in Control Center) to add additional networks to Lumen® Edge Bare Metal servers provisioned for your organization. Adding additional networks enhances performance, security, and scalability to allow public internet access while having private connectivity. You must provision networks in the same location as the bare metal server (e.g., Denver, CO). After this is completed, the networks appear in the list for you to add the network to the existing bare metal server. One network must be attached to a server at all times. After Lumen connects the network to the existing bare metal server, you are required to make configuration changes to your server.
Important: Adding a network to an existing bare metal server applies only to how Lumen opens connectivity to the network. After the network is added, you are required to make configuration changes on your server.
To add a network to an existing bare metal server:
The Edge Service Manager adds the network to the server. When the process is complete, a success message shows on the Server Details page. When a server is added to a network, any IP in the network subnet can be configured on a server. The routing is in place and applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. To remove a network from a server, click REMOVE.
Lumen does not track additional IP addresses assigned to servers after initial server provisioning. You are responsible for managing any IPs assigned to servers outside of the Edge Service Manager.
Important: Because system automation assigns IP addresses in succession, you should assign IP addresses to virtual machines or containers from the end of the available subnet. When you add existing servers to a provisioned network within Edge Service Manager, Lumen automatically uses the next IP address to configure the server. If you are already using this IP address, make sure to release this IP address to resolve any conflict.
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