See how Lumen Digital can help empower your business (1:00)
Leverage three unique aspects of networking to create a productive, differentiated customer experience.
Time‑consuming quoting and negotiating of lengthy contract terms and conditions
Online click‑to‑accept terms and conditions for products and services
Long buying cycles with high capital expense and costly to scale capacity
Cloud‑based experience for easy scaling and full transparency (pricing, performance, operations)
Limited control, insufficient flexibility and hard to manage multiple sites
On‑demand, fast, secure, reliable, seamless customer experience
Significant delays caused by manual service actions (install, move, change, disconnect)
Fast, automated service actions (upon service activation)
Inconsistent reliability, hard‑to‑use interface, not multi‑cloud friendly
Self‑serve with UI‑ and API‑centric touchpoints to enhance app delivery across multi‑cloud environments