Lumen help

Readiness support: Lumen® SASE Solutions

Get ready for your service

Prepare to activate your service

Activate your service

Setting up your SASE Solutions equipment

Lumen® SASE with Fortinet

Fortinet 40F

Fortinet 60F

Fortinet 100F

Fortinet 200F

Fortinet 1800F

Lumen® SASE with Versa Networks

Advantech FWA 1012VC-4C

Ports on the Lanner 1515

Ports on the Lanner 1515

Advantech FWA 3260 (1GB NMC)
Advantech FWA 3260 (10GB NMC)

Advantech FWA 5070

Lumen® SASE with VMware



Troubleshooting common problems

Service features

Additional SASE Solutions resources

SASE Solutions support