Use Lumen® Edge Service Manager (available in Control Center) to delete a Lumen® Edge Bare Metal server provisioned for your organization that is no longer needed. When you delete a bare metal server, the hourly billing stops. You are billed the prorated provisioned time of the bare metal server during the billing period. Stopping, starting, or restarting a bare metal server does not impact billing. Before you can delete a bare metal server network, you must delete all bare metal servers connected to that network.
You can also edit information and view the details on a bare metal server.
Important: Lumen does not back up data when a bare metal server is deleted. Before deleting a bare metal server, back up any data needed for your records.
To delete a bare metal server:
When you delete a bare metal server, it is powered off and the physical storage (solid-state drive, non-volatile memory express) is cryptographically erased. After the erase, the data is unrecoverable. Before a bare metal server is put back into service, the server hardware controller is factory reset and the system hardware is reconfigured.
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