With fully integrated Lumen® Edge Bare Metal servers, Lumen® Edge Service Manager enables you to create and manage physical servers (viewing details, editing, deleting) on-demand. Provision bare metal servers on and off as needed with pay-as-you-go flexibility, and host a wide range of apps from a unified interface with ultra-low latency. Ideal for compute-intensive applications like databases, analytics jobs, grid computing, and other workloads requiring consistent performance.
Use the Edge Price Estimator to estimate costs for your Edge Computing Solutions based on location, operating systems, networks, and server configurations. As the Edge Computing Solutions platform expands and evolves, the Edge Price Estimator enables you to calculate dynamic estimates for all of your Edge solutions in one tool. With the Edge Price Estimator, you can save, download, and share the estimate by clicking Share/Save Estimate then, choose an action:
Edge Bare Metal enables self-service cost management with your bare metal servers and associated networks. After you provision a bare metal server, your account automatically enters a pay-as-you-go model granting you the ability to provision and delete bare metal servers on-demand as your budget and business needs change. You can also enter into a term-based billing contract with discounts. To learn more about term-based billing, contact your Lumen account specialist.
Billing starts after you successfully provision a bare metal. You are billed based on the configuration selections made for each bare metal server instance created. You are invoiced monthly, in arrears, for your total Edge Services billable charges for active services during that billing period.
The power states and applicable billing for a bare metal server are as follows:
Lumen charges for deleted bare metal servers based on the configuration, network charges, and other applicable services tied to the server during the up time of the server during a billing cycle.
For current features, pricing estimates, and supported currencies, visit the Edge Price Estimator.
Provisioning a bare metal server has the following cost:
You can view your Edge Computing Solutions invoices online. All Edge Computing Solutions (Edge Bare Metal, Edge Network) and any additional billable add-on services tied to your Edge Services account show on a consolidated invoice.
Control Center lists your current invoice and previous 18 months of invoices.
You can stop all billing by deleting all of your bare metal instances, and will be charged a final bill of service for the usage on the last billing cycle.
After you delete all billable services, you can choose to leave your account in an inactive, non-billable state with no penalty. This grants you the flexibility to easily access an inactive account and resume services at any time.
If you want to cancel your Edge Computing Solutions account, contact your Lumen representative or the Lumen Edge Customer Care team.
A request to cancel an Edge Services account will result in termination of all services, infrastructure, network connections, and licensing associated with the account across the compute types (e.g., Edge Bare Metal). If you want to use Edge Services after canceling your account, you need to create a new Edge Services account.