Lumen help

Creating a configuration change request

To create a configuration change request:

  1. From the Create New Ticket list, select Configuration.
Create New Configuration Request
  1. To start the ticket, you'll need the product/service ID for the change request. Do one of the following:

    • If you know the product or service ID, type it into the Product/Service ID field, then press enter on your computer keyboard.

    • From the Service Type list, select the service you're submitting the request for.
  1. From the Select Configuration Change Type list, select the configuration change you'd like. (The options in the Select Type of Request list changes based on the product you select.)
  1. Fill in the fields, then click Continue.
  1. In the Contacts section, either leave yourself as the primary contact or select a different contact from the Primary Contact list or manually fill in the contact information for that person. (To make completing this section faster, Control Center automatically lists all users for your enterprise ID as possible contacts.)
  1. In the Local Contact section, you can choose to add a local contact, all fields are required.
  1. If you need to attach any documents (such as a more detailed explanation of the problem or additional details pertaining to your request), you can upload up to two documents (up to 2 MB each). To attach a document, click Add Attachment, browse to locate the file, and click Open.
  1. If you authorize us to dispatch a technician, select the Authorize for Dispatch checkbox.
  1. If you authorize us to conduct a test, select the Authorize for Test checkbox.